Showcasing Cheryl’s Fine Art
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday Life"- Pablo Picasso
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday Life"- Pablo Picasso
Born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina, Cheryl Nick spends her time between Switzerland and the USA. In 1988 her adventurous spirit took her to eat chocolate in Switzerland. She met her Swiss husband on the plane and the rest is history. Choosing a career in medicine over art, she dreamed of being an Artist. In 2014, she left h
Born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina, Cheryl Nick spends her time between Switzerland and the USA. In 1988 her adventurous spirit took her to eat chocolate in Switzerland. She met her Swiss husband on the plane and the rest is history. Choosing a career in medicine over art, she dreamed of being an Artist. In 2014, she left her career and was accepted into the Academy at Scottsdale Artist's School for Classical Training in Oil and Charcoal in Scottsdale, Arizona. Since becoming an artist, she's often seen in the fields chasing cows with a camera seeking her next subject. She is a member of the American Impressionist Society and the American Women Artists Organization. While a student at SAS, she was invited to exhibit at "Beaux Arts" in Scottsdale, AZ, USA. Her current exhibition is in Zurich, Switzerland.
Mostly a studio painter, Cheryl considers herself a Colorist, and an Impressionistic-Realist. She wants her cows to look like cows, however they may be painted purple. Living near the Alps, she now spends time painting en Plein Air. Her paintings reflect the travels and journeys of her life. Whether a seascape from her years living ne
Mostly a studio painter, Cheryl considers herself a Colorist, and an Impressionistic-Realist. She wants her cows to look like cows, however they may be painted purple. Living near the Alps, she now spends time painting en Plein Air. Her paintings reflect the travels and journeys of her life. Whether a seascape from her years living near the seashore or clouds and cows from her backyard, she paints what she loves in living colors.
Cheyl loves life and loves to paint. This is evident in her lively and colorful paintings. She is inspired by the cows in her backyard and the clouds in the mountains and over the sea. She is inspired by the art of Cezanne, Isaac Levitan, J.M.W. Turner, Edgar Payne, Richard Schmid, Mark Carder and German Artist, Gordon Edwards. Her for
Cheyl loves life and loves to paint. This is evident in her lively and colorful paintings. She is inspired by the cows in her backyard and the clouds in the mountains and over the sea. She is inspired by the art of Cezanne, Isaac Levitan, J.M.W. Turner, Edgar Payne, Richard Schmid, Mark Carder and German Artist, Gordon Edwards. Her formal training was with American artist, Timothy Rees. She has studied under Mary Rochelle Burnham, Larissa Aukon, Bill Lundquist and Kathy Anderson. These artists have inspired her and further developed her passion as an artist. She continues to learn with each piece she paints. Her style is ever evolving.